Letter in Solidarity with Southern, Predominantly Black Churches

Our congregation, heartsick at the outbreak of racist violence long simmering in Charleston and elsewhere in our country, sent this letter in solidarity with several pastors who have received death threats in the past week.

Beloved in Christ,

We, the consistory and members of Greenpoint Reformed Church in Brooklyn, write to you with love, sorrow, concern, and solidarity in light of the recent and terrible events that are happening to so many churches in the South, yours included. Not only are we completely heart-broken and grief-stricken by the Charleston Massacre, but the subsequent burnings of your houses of worship and the death threats your pastors have received brings us anguish, and frankly, anger. The hatred and racism that are being displayed so wickedly in your communities is horrifying, and we mourn with you.

We also want to fight with you as you show God’s love even in the midst of such ghastly circumstances, and as you dispel hostility with grace, violence with peace, and abuse with justice. If there is anything we can do to help you fight this fight and bring down hatred and build up love, please let us know. We are praying for you, but if there is more we can do, please know that we will do everything in our power to provide it. Don’t hesitate to reach out. In the meantime, we are steadfastly in solidarity with you.

As Isaiah 54 says, “no weapon that is formed against you shall prosper,” and we are committed to helping you advance the victory of love. Thank you for the many ways you have already inspired us and so many people throughout this country with your strength and Christ-likeness. God is on your side and for that we rejoice.

With love, sorrow, and hope,

Greenpoint Reformed Church