Advent Day 11: Hope & Courage

I was doing so well with my attempt at Advent preparation, and then this week came and I fell down on the job. I totally forgot to post my reflection yesterday. Sometimes I’m jealous that Mary ended up pregnant because it didn’t require too many attention to details.

In lieu of an Advent reflection, how about we all take a moment to leave a message of support for our neighbors at the Greenpoint Islamic Center via their Facebook page: Share a little Advent love, hope and courage.

This is what I wrote:

Dear Friends at the Greenpoint Islamic Center,
I know some of you, but for those who do not know me, I’m Rev. Ann Kansfield, one of the pastors at the Greenpoint Reformed Church. Some really horrible things have been said this week by a certain presidential candidate, and I want to explicitly say to you that I and our congregation support you and love you and are thankful to have you as our friends and neighbors. You have our absolute respect and affection, and we are praying that God will protect you and care for you. It is my experience that Muslims often behave more like Jesus than Christians. Thank you for your example of love, compassion and deep faith.

If there are ways for our congregations to deepen their ties together, or for us to be of support to you, please be in touch with us. We would love to connect more with you.